Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Happy new year, noooo.. it's not belated, new year has just started I m late a bit in wishing you all but then it's still the phase of dreams , and plans which we make in the beginning of every year, things we plan to achieve, and the feathers in the crown which all are expected by the year its a beginning of new promises, dreams , struggle with hope of achieving something great this year

and here goes my wishes for you all Happy New Year , may this year give you everything beyond your expectations.

after a long break almost a year I thought to pen down something after a forceful request with dire consequence. things have changed a lot in such a big span of time, from professional life I m back in student life , change of place, profile and of course ambition were the major changes, with meeting someone very special my smiles are back ,yes i have a reason to smile.things have started moving the way i always dreamt of.Someone to care for me, studies of my interest, exposure of new and promising field, interaction with best of the field, what else i cud desire for, thanks 2009 for giving me the launching pad.with lots of promises to be kept and miles to go, may this new year shower me with new zeal and enthusiasm, and along with support of lady luck lets achieve as per our plans to stay happy and together forever and with my dream (me lucky to have one) ....what about you all...