Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Happy new year, noooo.. it's not belated, new year has just started I m late a bit in wishing you all but then it's still the phase of dreams , and plans which we make in the beginning of every year, things we plan to achieve, and the feathers in the crown which all are expected by the year its a beginning of new promises, dreams , struggle with hope of achieving something great this year

and here goes my wishes for you all Happy New Year , may this year give you everything beyond your expectations.

after a long break almost a year I thought to pen down something after a forceful request with dire consequence. things have changed a lot in such a big span of time, from professional life I m back in student life , change of place, profile and of course ambition were the major changes, with meeting someone very special my smiles are back ,yes i have a reason to smile.things have started moving the way i always dreamt of.Someone to care for me, studies of my interest, exposure of new and promising field, interaction with best of the field, what else i cud desire for, thanks 2009 for giving me the launching pad.with lots of promises to be kept and miles to go, may this new year shower me with new zeal and enthusiasm, and along with support of lady luck lets achieve as per our plans to stay happy and together forever and with my dream (me lucky to have one) ....what about you all...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

POST Valentine....

LOVE and MONEY, you, if in luv, can think they have nothing in common, nothing to do with each other. But believe me finance can rend a couple as under quicker, than just about anything else.Afterall everything comes with a tag,even the gifts that u gave to your loved ones today is’nt.
Now when u are in luv you share every secret, every relationship you ever had and your deepest darkest secrets,so there is no reason not to share your sorbid detail of financial life early on few dates , and if its too early, then as soon u think u have started understanding each other.
I do agree money cant buy happiness, but somehow its more comfortable to sit and cry in BMW then footpath.'love is blind' is the most popular saying of all times but dear when this blindness changes in to visiblity sometimes its too late even to regret, you are left with practically nothing , all shaken , broken and shattered. The person whom you claimed to know very well turns into someone you knew, and believe me it is the worst pain you can ever have.
A week long celebration of teddy day, kiss day hug day, chocolate day and valentine day ended today with promises to love forever.Everyone whether it be print or satellite all tried their best to maximize TRP and sales figure, to name a few, karutari global … largest supplier of roses, archies , d damas for cards and gifts, inox movies, .. long hours of talks telecom .. idea airtel …, Mahindra holidays , cox and kings for adventure seeking couples. In the meantime some royal challenge whisky and vodka, ya united breweries, and for some who dared to touch new height and were bit naughty than TTk health care moods and cipla… so when everyone in encashing your moments…
How could you neglect when after a week long kisses and hugs you plan to start your life with your love.
So comeon, come out of love fever , now unlike me, you are lucky enough to have strong support of emotions, love, care of your love. so work more to earn more to make him/ her happy and give her everything she thinks.. wo kehte hai naa tu kahe to chaand bhi le aau tere liyee…….
So get up friends from that cozy bed that you shared with your love … its Monday … and u r already late for the office….
And me… no I don’t celebrate this day rather my past experiences don’t allow me to do so…although me keeping in touch with lot many friends both girls and boys I could not even manage to get one valentine msg from them… but me bit with positive attitude …may be jammed n/w or hugs and French technics might have prevented them to type or utter something on call…., girls might have thought If I msg I will have to love him and when I already have one how cud I think of someone…. And boys hmmm though its legal but loving boys don’t leave good impression in society… Hey jokes apart … early morning my mom sent me valentine msg… written with lots of love… thanks mom…love you too…
And I do believe in love at first site wo luv birds…saying… to ya I have experienced it I have been loving my mom since I opened my eyes…
I m yet to find someone caring , understanding alias kindered spirit that I dream of, so … no probs lets be part of other celebrations , till the tym I find mine… becoz it’s a day for your loved ones .. not love only isn’t .for brothers ,friends, parents family and all those who care for me … you all… HAPPY VALENTINE DAY ……

Sunday, December 27, 2009

the year that LOST...

After a gap of 3 months.. i thought to pen down something.. and since its year end nothing cud be better to just recall the whole year,
dont know where to start, but frankly speaking this year gave me lot to learn about life people and added to my ability to understand and judge people...which skill i thought i had mastered..
like everyone as the sun set 0n 31 st dec i had reason to hope for best tyms in the year 2009, my transfer was to be finalised , pay hike, marraiges, exams .. and of course with support of gud friends i entered in 2009...... there lie a long list of what i lost, my friend who lost his life on 8 jan on duty, my transfer against my will, some family problems, but over and above all .. i lost a relationship ...ya the one called best friends , the faith were shaken, when i knew ..that my location matterred the most inspite of my committement to help him in the best possible way that i could do, the quality were missed that was actually required... and of all .. i offerred something that was not needed so ... no doubts.... we must depart... how cud such relation be maintained which had two faces... ...with rounds and rounds of talks ... things finally normalised... ya we should bid adieu...BUT .. then also ... how could people have two different settings in mind .. how cud people act in two different ways .. how cud you go for the things which you were and are totally against ... how could you do things that you dont mean.....yaa i was mistaken .. as told....hmmm may be ....but this left me all shattered and ha .. no preparations... naaa it was not that i was just feeling for something it was because how could ... someone be of such type...., anyways .. still the faith on god continues... he might have planned these to teach me something.....
marraige at home, bro getting into iit, added some smile on my face .. getting some new friends , attending friends marraige was the event that helped to regain my confidence in friendship, but still the doubt remains.. and this tym .. i m bit careful ...i dont have much strength left to survive the next shock ...hope new year brings joy and i achieve as per my one to be blamed, it was my luck , my fault, my mistake....and hence i accept it in totality, and take all responsibility .better luck .. and tyms in 2010....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

when skirts shrank to became a better place to....

If you cannot do great things , do small things in a great way'

Napoleon Hill
it was rightly said by all time great warrior, today its time to turn to small to survive be it nano car by TATA, or atom bomb , both created big impact.. it was Muhammad Yunus, microfinance and small loans to farmers that helped him to move poverty. small ideas bring big results, it was college projects of google founders, which ultimately.. led GOOGLE, yahoo and cisco systems were too stanford projects.
as FIDEL CASTRO said, i began a revolution with 82 men, if i had to do it again i 'd do it with 15 only.
wALT DISNEY INVENTER OF mickey mouse, BUILT A HUGE EMPIRE THAT TODAY IS ONE OF THE BEST AND OLDEST standing company in the world. Dont forget it all started with a MOUSE...
small things do great things, a small leak can sink aship, a small invention like TV remote can change life forever. wHEN PHONE SHRANK TO MOBILES, SKIRTS SHRANKS TO minis, MANY SWORE THAT WORLD BECAME A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE IN,
FORTY YEARS AGO on 20 th july, human kind landed on moon , it was a small step that changed the whole world. a journey however long starts with single small step. Dont undermine the power of small . and to really succedd, become GOD OF SMALL THINGS>>>>>

Sunday, July 12, 2009

kab ka tha gila....kaise keh diya alvida

It all started when yesterday after returning from plant and dinner sometime around 11.15 pm i just turned on my pc and clicked on songs of life in metro....
it was not the first tym i was listening to this song.. but dont no why yesterday it touched my heart , may be i was thinking of someone , may be i was missing someone , or may be all of sudden i was lost in my past . sometimes it happens that u go back to ur past unplanned, feel for those left moments , persons, friends.. and then u cannot control urself getting deeper and deeper inside those leftout moments which u enjoyed during their present ... which might not have that importance those days .. but u feel for those moments today. the promises made, the life, those friendship and ofcourse friends....but its life and it goes this way...
sometimes you start hating things that make you recall ur past'nt ...but koi nahi .....just clicking to movie THE DEPARTED added to my pain suddenly i got a call .. hey itni raat was 2 min to go for 12... and the very first wish ...happy B'day PROf....
thanks yaar ... and then the ph kept ringing...bringing back my faith ki naaa.. sometimes past also remembers present... waking for me till 12 just to wish me on my b'day .. ph kept ringing whole nite...and those missed left no stone unturned wishing me call, msg, mail, thanks to IT revolution that made me feel that i m important and there are people apart from my familiy too who cares... thanks a lot to u all... for being there for me and wishing me ....
but ... there were some who were found missing that ... change in the first wish 12 was missed ...may be i missed or they missed....dont know .. but its life it goes this way ...with some sweet and sour memories of past .. for giving strength for better the wait continued but... sometime ppl say ki prof u expect too much from life and ppl and its not fair,,, but sorry i have not changed myself, i am the type i was... no one claims that he changed...but i think i m sure of myself.....and with this fight of feeling emotions....that song.. continued to play...ya....

chupake se kahin, dheeme paanv se jaane kis taraf, kis ghadi aage badh gaye hamse raahon mein ,par tum toh abhi the yahin .kuchh bhi na suna, kab ka tha gila kaise keh diya alvida

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Attitude & Perception

This is a real story happened between the customer of General Motors and its customer-care executive.A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors: This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that we have a tradition in our family of ice cream for dessert after dinner each night. But the kind of ice cream varies so, every night, after we've eaten, the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream we should have and I drive down to the store to get it. It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since then my trips to the store have created a problem. You see, every time I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store my car won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just fine. I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter how silly it sounds: "What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get any other kind?" The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the letter, but sent an engineer to check it out anyway. The latter was surprised to be greeted by a successful, obviously well educated man in a fine neighborhood. He had arranged to meet the man just after dinnertime, so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice cream store. It was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came back to the car, it wouldn't start. The engineer returned for three more nights.
The first night, they got chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The car started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to start. Now the engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that this man's car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. He arranged, therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the problem. And toward this end he began to take notes: he jotted down all sorts of data: time of day, type of gas uses, time to drive back and forth etc. In a short time, he had a clue: the man took less time to buy vanilla than any other flavor. Why? The answer was in the layout of the store. Vanilla, being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept in the back of the store at a different counter where it took considerably longer to check out the flavor. Now, the question for the engineer was why the car wouldn't start when it took less time. Once time became problem - not the vanilla ice cream, the engineer quickly came up with the answer: "Vapor lock". It was happening every night; but the extra time taken to get the other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start. When the man got vanilla, the engine was still to hot for the vapor lock to dissipate. Remember: Even crazy looking problems are sometimes real and all problems seem to be simple only when we find the solution with a cool thinking.Don't just say its "IMPOSSIBLE" without putting a sincere effort... Observe the word "IMPOSSIBLE" carefully... You can see "I'MPOSSIBLE"... What really matter is your attitude and your perception"Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars.".

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

its for you my friend......

A story tells that two friends
were walkingthrough the desertDuring some point of theJourney they had anArgument, and one friendSlapped the other oneIn the face.The one who got slappedwas hurt, but withoutsaying anything,wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIENDSLAPPED ME IN THE FACE . They kept on walkinguntil they found an oasis,where they decidedto take a bath.The one who had beenslapped got stuck in themire and started drowning,but the friend saved him.After he recovered fromthe near drowning,he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIENDSAVED MY LIFE. The friend who had slappedand saved his best friendasked him, "After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now,you write on a stone, why?"The other friend replied"When someone hurts uswe should write it downin sand where winds offorgiveness can erase it away.But, when someone doessomething good for us,we must engrave it in stonewhere no windcan ever erase it." LEARN TO WRITEYOUR HURTS INTHE SAND AND TOCARVE YOURBENEFITS IN STONE!!!They say it takes aminute to find a specialperson, an hour toappreciate them, a dayto love them, but thenan entire lifeto forget them. .Take the time to live! Do not value the THINGSyou have in your life. But valueWHO you have in your life! " Happiness is not something you find, it's something you create…"
'Life Is Too Short To Waste Time Hating Anyone'