Tuesday, June 9, 2009

its for you my friend......

A story tells that two friends
were walkingthrough the desertDuring some point of theJourney they had anArgument, and one friendSlapped the other oneIn the face.The one who got slappedwas hurt, but withoutsaying anything,wrote in the sand: TODAY MY BEST FRIENDSLAPPED ME IN THE FACE . They kept on walkinguntil they found an oasis,where they decidedto take a bath.The one who had beenslapped got stuck in themire and started drowning,but the friend saved him.After he recovered fromthe near drowning,he wrote on a stone: TODAY MY BEST FRIENDSAVED MY LIFE. The friend who had slappedand saved his best friendasked him, "After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now,you write on a stone, why?"The other friend replied"When someone hurts uswe should write it downin sand where winds offorgiveness can erase it away.But, when someone doessomething good for us,we must engrave it in stonewhere no windcan ever erase it." LEARN TO WRITEYOUR HURTS INTHE SAND AND TOCARVE YOURBENEFITS IN STONE!!!They say it takes aminute to find a specialperson, an hour toappreciate them, a dayto love them, but thenan entire lifeto forget them. .Take the time to live! Do not value the THINGSyou have in your life. But valueWHO you have in your life! " Happiness is not something you find, it's something you create…"
'Life Is Too Short To Waste Time Hating Anyone'

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