Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Best things of life......

The best things in life are the things that you cannot the singing of birds in the sunlit morning sky...., the dazzling magic of stars in the moonlit night. the sweet smelling fragrance of the dew kissed flowers. the tingling noise of church bell every hour... the care of the friend.. the season of love and eternity.... the long hour of talks of college days... the fights.. .. that winter evening with four friends.. mild rain and four pegs of rum... those 100 bucks for petrol and a rusty bike.. a plate of maggie noodles and a spoon for 10 3.45 am.. one girl.. one number friends and of course the year go by us we find the greatest are the things we cannot buy.....but.. now the meaning has changed... with endless effort to earn... how we cud buy.. the things we are missing the most we enjoyed the look back your past do giv your friends a call... do keep in touch ...just try once and your single call .. your formal enquiry..can bring back all the happiness that you are missing in your life..or whose meaning you hav lost in this fast moving world ...yaa you will def get back all your smiles.. when your past will be flashed and you will be back to those good old days of life free from responsibilities.. free from professionalism..selfishness..and with the motto..lets laugh together...and get success..together against the todays motto...lets laugh at other and get success at the cost of others......just just try smiling with other and see how beautiful this world is....

1 comment:

  1. true man.. miss those NIT days responsibilities at all... was too much fun...
