Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wake up indians ...wake up...

This ad i saw in the lead india advertisment.....and is really motivating.....

Wake up india.. its time to NOT go to work..its time to GET people work for you.Dont be an Engineer just because you have a degree in engineering.Do what you think you are good at, and you will be good at what you think.Start something thats your own, where you cant be sacked, and you certainly cant quit .Start something for as little as ten thousand, you dont need more that that.You dont need references, politicians or police.All you need is you, start and ten thousand can become thirty billion.Its true you can do it.You who is reading this article can do this.You simple regular guy , like it happened once to a regular guy....so wake up india and start dreaming...... yaa dream big....and b what you want to be....dont just be the part of crowd, either lead the crowd or just be left alone....in both cases you can bring changes..becoz it always starts..with one...which turns into billions.....so..start...today to make history......

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